I have had a strange issue lately with Windows servers on VMware vSphere 5.1 hosts. Throughput of TCP connections between some virtual machines were very very slow, barely 10 mbit/s .

The behavior was easily reproducible : just start an iperf connection between a Windows Server 2008 and a Windows 2012 server, and you get 10 mbit/s .

Moving both virtual machines on the same ESXi host, or on different hosts, did not change anything.

Changing from E1000 to vmxnet3 or vice-versa did not make any difference.

Disabling some or all network offloading (Large Send Offload, TCP Checksum Offloading, etc.) did not make any difference either.

Out of despair, I tried to add the “-N” to my iperf command. That flag disables Nagle’s algorithm.

Instantly, the throughput went from 10 mbit/s to over 800 mbit/s .

Finally, after a bit of Googling, I ended up disabling Nagle’s algorithm and delayed TCP Acknowledgment in Windows registry. I will continue to monitor the behavior of the servers, but it fixed the throughput issues and latency is not affected.

You can do this by editing your registry


and, in each interface folder, add the two following 32bit D-WORD:

Name:TCPNoDelay Value:1 
Name:TcpAckFrequency Value:1