Migrating to Hugo

I had been thinking using Wordpress for a personal blog is kind of wasteful for a long long time. After all, I don’t have dynamic content, it’s really just a bunch of text. I wanted to migrate to a static-file CMS for a long time but I never had the courage to do so. I recently had a few days of downtime, and so finally I did it. I decided to use Hugo as it was the most popular option at the time....

July 24, 2024

Docker Compose: simple firewall using Bash and labels

It has been a long time since I wanted to control connections from/to Docker containers but I could never find a simple enough solutions. We can control reverse proxy settings (Traefik) using labels but we can’t apply iptables rules with them? Nonsense. If you add to this that every container lives in a namespace, and namespaces can have their iptables rules, you have there an easy solution. So I wrote a Bash script that listen to Docker events....

July 5, 2024

Active Directory export script to import into SME Server

I had to migrate users from an Active Directory/Exchange combo to a SME server for temporary disaster recovery event. Here’s the script I wrote to create the export and recreate the users and their aliases in the SME server. The export was done before the disaster of course :) #!/bin/bash #ldapsearch -x -b "dc=customer,dc=com" -h -D "domain\user" -W "(objectclass=user)" > activedirectory.ldiff File="activedirectory.ldiff" #reset files content echo > sme.users echo > sme....

March 9, 2014