Exim GnuTLS Diffie-Hellman errors

I have been getting increasing number of errors in my Exim log related to GnuTLS Diffie-Hellman prime number. That prime number being too small causes Exim to abort the connection and initiate a new one to send the email over an unencrypted session. The exact error message is: TLS error on connection to foobar.example.com [x.x.x.x] (gnutls_handshake): The Diffie-Hellman prime sent by the server is not acceptable (not long enough). With a recent enough Exim installation, you can define the tls_dh_min_bits parameter to a value that you find acceptable....

June 21, 2014

Nagios and Exim queue size

A simple script to check Exim queue size for Nagios NRPE: #!/bin/bash #arg1 = warning count #arg2 = critical count if \[ -z "$1" \] || \[ -z "$2" \] then echo "Usage: ${0} warningcount criticalcount" else if \[ "$1" -ge "$2" \] || \[ "$1" -le "0" \] || \[ "$2" -le "0" \] then echo "Error: incorrect values." else queuesize=$(/usr/sbin/exim4 -bpc) if \[ "$queuesize" -gt "$2" \] then echo "CRITICAL - exim queue size: $queuesize" exit 2 elif \[ "$queuesize" -gt "$1" \] then echo "WARNING - exim queue size: $queuesize" exit 1 else echo "OK - exim queuesize: $queuesize" exit 0 fi fi fi

February 14, 2014