Running a PKI using Smallstep certificates with Docker

Recently, I had to set up a new PKI. I was going to go with the good old OpenSSL but it’s 2021, there must be a more userfriendly and, more importantly, automated approach. There are many open-source possibilities: EJBCA, cfssl, Hashicorp Vault, Smallstep Certificates. I chose to use Smallstep certificates because it has all the features I need and they are not behind a pay-wall: lightweight: small Go binary, you can run it with a file-based database (similar to SQLite) user friendly CLI: compared to openssl commands ACME protocol: useful for Traefik reverse proxy OIDC authentication support: the guys are super friendly and available on their Discord channel Be sure to check their website, they have other features that you might want, especially their Certificate Manager....

September 12, 2021