SNOM phones and presence monitoring

If you have issues with your SNOM phones and presence monitoring (the little LEDs that display when another extension is ringing or busy), then maybe this will help. We had this problem at work. When we checked the SIP traces, we could see our server was sending SIP NOTIFY packets to tell the phone “hey your collegue phone is ringing!”, but the phone: (very old firmware) either answered with a 200 OK but did not blink the LED; (latest firmware) or it answered a 481 Call/Transaction Does Not Exist and still did not blink the LED....

January 31, 2015

Nagios and LSI RAID cards

To monitor the status of a LSI RAID card, say for example a Dell PERC card, you will need to install NRPE, sudo, mpt-status and . Install sudo and NRPE via your package manager. You can grab mpt-status via apt if you use Debian/Ubuntu or here if you use CentOS. You can grab here. First, load the module mptctl if it’s not done already: modprobe mptctl To have the module loaded at boot, you can use your distribution specific behavior....

January 27, 2015

VMware and Windows poor TCP performance

I have had a strange issue lately with Windows servers on VMware vSphere 5.1 hosts. Throughput of TCP connections between some virtual machines were very very slow, barely 10 mbit/s . The behavior was easily reproducible : just start an iperf connection between a Windows Server 2008 and a Windows 2012 server, and you get 10 mbit/s . Moving both virtual machines on the same ESXi host, or on different hosts, did not change anything....

October 23, 2014

Using Windows domain resources while VPN is active with different credentials

If you are frustrated to get your Domain account locked while you are logged on a VPN with different credentials than your Domain credentials, then this is for you. Edit the file %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Network\Connections\Pbk\rasphone.pbk with your favorite text editor. All the VPN connections managed by Windows are defined in that file. Search the string UseRasCredentials=1 and replace it with UseRasCredentials=0 for each VPN connection that gets you locked out (or just replace all of them if you are lazy)....

October 23, 2014

Exim GnuTLS Diffie-Hellman errors

I have been getting increasing number of errors in my Exim log related to GnuTLS Diffie-Hellman prime number. That prime number being too small causes Exim to abort the connection and initiate a new one to send the email over an unencrypted session. The exact error message is: TLS error on connection to [x.x.x.x] (gnutls_handshake): The Diffie-Hellman prime sent by the server is not acceptable (not long enough). With a recent enough Exim installation, you can define the tls_dh_min_bits parameter to a value that you find acceptable....

June 21, 2014

rsyslogd auto-configuration

To have rsyslogd automatically create directories and files with whatever you send at it, just put this in your rsyslog.conf file (or a .conf file in /etc/rsyslog.d): # provide UDP syslog reception $ModLoad imudp $UDPServerRun 514 $template DynFile,"/var/log/syslogs/%fromhost-ip%-%fromhost%/%$YEAR%-%$MONTH%-%syslogfacility-text%" # log everything from remote servers to one file per host+month+facility if $inputname == 'imudp' or $inputname == 'imtcp' then ?DynFile # stop logging from remote servers if $inputname == 'imudp' or $inputname == 'imtcp' then ~ All directories and files are created under /var/log/syslogs, one directory per ip-hostname pair, and one file per facility per month....

June 15, 2014

Active Directory export script to import into SME Server

I had to migrate users from an Active Directory/Exchange combo to a SME server for temporary disaster recovery event. Here’s the script I wrote to create the export and recreate the users and their aliases in the SME server. The export was done before the disaster of course :) #!/bin/bash #ldapsearch -x -b "dc=customer,dc=com" -h -D "domain\user" -W "(objectclass=user)" > activedirectory.ldiff File="activedirectory.ldiff" #reset files content echo > sme.users echo > sme....

March 9, 2014

VMware vCSA 5.1 password expiration

A few months ago, I was unable to login on my vCSA. At that time, I thought it ws a glitch, I rebooted (didn’t fix the issue) and changed the password of the users, which fixed the issue. Recently, I had the same issue. I concluded it could not be a glitch anymore and decided to search for root cause. The reason given by Veeam was “username or password incorrect”, which was wrong....

February 21, 2014

Nagios and Exim queue size

A simple script to check Exim queue size for Nagios NRPE: #!/bin/bash #arg1 = warning count #arg2 = critical count if \[ -z "$1" \] || \[ -z "$2" \] then echo "Usage: ${0} warningcount criticalcount" else if \[ "$1" -ge "$2" \] || \[ "$1" -le "0" \] || \[ "$2" -le "0" \] then echo "Error: incorrect values." else queuesize=$(/usr/sbin/exim4 -bpc) if \[ "$queuesize" -gt "$2" \] then echo "CRITICAL - exim queue size: $queuesize" exit 2 elif \[ "$queuesize" -gt "$1" \] then echo "WARNING - exim queue size: $queuesize" exit 1 else echo "OK - exim queuesize: $queuesize" exit 0 fi fi fi

February 14, 2014

Ubuntu "reboot" on Supermicro X9SCI/X9SCA shuts down

On two recent Supermicro servers, typing reboot actually shuts down the server. Thanks to Google and this blogpost, I no longer have this issue. Short story: just blacklist the module named “mei” and you’re good.

December 27, 2013